
Taysun's group works on how stars form and drive strong outflows in galaxies using numerical simulations with adapative mesh refinement. We are also interested in various topics, including reionization of the Universe, escape of LyC and LyA photons from galaxies, RAM pressure stripping in clusters, formation of globular clusters, and the emergence of strong emission lines from galaxies.

Latest news

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Impact of star formation models on the growth of galaxies at high redshifts

We study the impact of star formation models on galaxy evolution using cosmological zoom-in RHD simulations of a dwarf DMH with two different star formation models. We find that star formation is more bursty in the runs with the sink particle algorithm, generating stronger outflows than in the runs with a subgrid model based on a local gravo-thermo-turbulent condition. Our results suggest that improving the modelling of star formation on small scales can significantly impact the global properties of simulated galaxies. (Kang, Kimm, Han+2024)
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Escape of LyC and LyA photons from magnetized GMCs

Understanding the escape of Lyman continuum and Lyman alpha photons from giant molecular clouds is crucial to study the reionization of the Universe and to interpret spectra of observed galaxies at high redshift. To this end, we perform high-resolution, radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of GMCs using RAMSES, with self-consistent star formation and stellar feedback. (Kimm, Bieri, Geen+2021)