Our team works on how stars form in galaxies and drive strong outflows,
using radiation-hydrodynamics simulations with adapative mesh refinement.
We are also interested in various topics, including the reionization of the Universe, escape of LyC and LyA photons from galaxies,
RAM pressure stripping in clusters, formation of globular clusters,
and origin of the giant Lya nebulae etc.
Maxime Rey
- Office : Science Building, 631
- Email : maximerey.astro @@ gmail.com
Personal history
- 2023.03 - current: Postdoc, Yonsei University
- 2018.09 - 2022.10: PhD, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Research interest: Numerical simulations, galaxy formation, feedback mechanisms, subgrid modelling, circum-galactic medium
Personal note: Climb higher !
Jongwon Park
- Office : Science Building, 631
- Email : jwpark5064 @@ gmail.com
Personal history
- 2024.06 - current: Postdoc, Yonsei University
- 2018.08 - 2024.05: PhD, University of Maryland, College Park
Research interest: Numerical simulations, Formatin of population III stars, Formation of the first galaxies, X-ray radiation background
Daniel Han
- Office : Science Building, 617
- Email : daniel.han@@yonsei.ac.kr
Personal history
- 2016.03 - current: PhD student, Astronomy, Yonsei University
- 2012.03 - 2016.02: B.S., Astronomy & Physics, Yonsei University
Research interest: Milky Way bulge, Stellar populations in globular clusters
Personal note: 인생을 날로 먹으려고 하면 안된다.
Cheonsu Kang
- Office : Science Building, 702
- Email : sooxsoo@@yonsei.ac.kr
Personal history
- 2023.03 - PhD student, Yonsei University
- 2020.03 - 2023.03 Master student, Yonsei University
Research interest: star formation and stellar feedback
Personal note: 생각해보고 알려드리겠습니다.
Jiyoung Choe
- Office : Science Building,
- Email : jiyoungchoe1@@yonsei.ac.kr
Personal history
- 2022.03 - Master student, Yonsei University
Research interest: Galaxy formation and evolution
Hyunwoo Song
- Office : Science Building, 703
- Email : tessdar @@ yonsei.ac.kr
Personal history
- 2023.09 - Master student, Yonsei University
Research interest: star formation, stellar feedback and galaxy evolution
Personal note: Think carefully and act quickly
Beomchan Koh
- Office : Science Building, 702
- Email : bckoh @@ yonsei.ac.kr
Personal history
- 2024.03 - Master student, Yonsei University
Research interest: LyA radiative transfer, cosmic reionization, galaxy evolution
Personal note: Eat well, sleep well
Seung Jun Rhee
- Office : Science Building, 612
- Email : sjr218@@cantab.ac.uk
Personal history
- 2024.08 - : Research intern, Yonsei University
- 2023.10 - 2024.06: MSci student, University of Cambridge
- 2020.10 - 2023.06: BA student, University of Cambridge
Research interest: mixing processes in the CGM
Personal note: The food is so much better here
Yonghwi Kim
Personal history
- 2022.10 - : Associate member, KIAS
- 2022.09 - 2023.07: Postdoc, Yonsei University
- 2018.09 - 2022.08: Postdoc, KIAS
- 2015.09 - 2018.08: Postdoc (Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow), KIAA Peking University
- 2007.09 - 2015.08: PhD, Seoul National University
Research interest: Theoretical and numerical astrophysics, galactic dynamics, gas and fluid dynamics, evolution of disk galaxies
Personal note: Always be straightforward and honest
Suhyeon Choe
- Current: PhD student at Stockholm University (2023-)
Personal history
- 2022.03 - Research assistant (postmas), Yonsei University
- 2018.09 - 2022.02, Master student, Yonsei University
Research interest: emission lines and their connection to escape fraction
Personal note: Happyness is a warm cat
Hyunmi Song
- Current: Faculty at Chungnam National University (2020-)
Personal history
- 2021.09 - present: Faculty, Chungnam National University
- 2019.12 - 2021.08: Postdoc (Lee Wonchul Fellow), Yonsei University
- 2017.03 - 2019.11: Postdoc, KASI
- 2013.02 - 2017.02: Postdoc, KIAS
- 2009.03 - 2013.02: PhD, Seoul National Univ.
Research interest: Large-scale structures, galaxy formation/evolution, galaxy clusters, LyA radiative transfer
Personal note: Men must endure.. Their going hence, even as their coming hither.. Ripeness is all
Jongsuk Hong
- Current: Staff scientist at KASI (2020-)
Personal history
- 2020.10 - present: Science staff, KASI
- 2019.09 - 2020.09: Postdoc (Lee Wonchul Fellow), Yonsei University
- 2016.10 - 2019.09: Postdoc, KIAA Peking University
- 2013.09 - 2016.09: Postdoc, Indiana University
- 2006.03 - 2013.08: PhD, Seoul National University
Research interest: Stellar dynamics, Globular clusters, Multiple populations, Gravitaitonal waves
Personal note: 가장 큰 후회는 내뱉은 말에서 온다.
Dowoon Lee
- Current: Asiana Airlines (2022-)
Personal history
- 2021.09 - 2021.11 Research assistant (post-mas), Yonsei University
- 2018.09 - 2021.08 Master student, Yonsei University
Research interest: Galaxy formation and evolution, star formation, feedbacks with numerical methods
Personal note: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Taehwa Yoo
- Current: PhD student at the University of Florida (2022-)
Personal history
- 2018.03 - 2020.02 : M.S., Yonsei University
- 2020.03 - 2021.02 : Research Assistant, Yonsei University
- 2021.03 - : PhD course, Yonsei University
Research interest: LyC escape fraction, reionization, star formation, galaxy formation and evolution with numerical method
Personal note: I like ramen. 행복하게 살자.